Friday, 16 April 2010

It wasn't a good day

As every day slips past me, a realisation is growing - well when I say growing it would be fairer and more accurate to say festering - this post recession world of ours has managed to unite everybody, now it seems each and every one of us is a penny-pinching mealy mouthed fuctard who would quibble, gripe and snipe over anything. Standing in a coffee shop today and I overheard a woman who realised after she had ordered her food the prices had gone up(Post budget blame Mr Darling I muttered at the time), by the staggering amount of 50p, and she queried the bill, and griped and she sniped , basically being a pain in the arse and holding everybody up in the queue. I remember hearing heartening spirit lifting stories of how families and communities survived the Great Depression. However, sadly it seems our modern era cannot engender the same spirit unless it's downloading a song from iTunes sung by a pack of shallow vacuous shitehawks who lets face it would let an elephant come all over them if it got them on the cover of Heat.

Speaking of which Britain's Got talent is back for a new run this week, Jesus must be crying buckets at this load of old codswallop being back on the box. A freak show of the highest order but surely the vilest sin it commits is letting people like Amanda Holden and Piers Morgan feel as if they have some validity to their lives. Lets face it, you don't want to hear their empty platitudes or their carefully scripted meticulously rehearsed put downs. All you really want is to open the paper in the morning and find out Piers Morgan fell into a vat of shit and drowned in it, and Amanda Holden due to her inability to keep her libido in check any longer, was rushed to hospital as she was 'locked' with a Great Dane, and it took 4 hours to separate them. A bit harsh but lets face it they've got it coming to them!

Also having watched the apparently historic politcal debate last night, all I can say is the UK should prepare itself for anarchy and dissolution if those three empty headed muppets are considered good enough to govern. yes we expected petty point scoring, yes we expected Gordon Brown to play the part of a man hopelessly out of synch with the rest of us. Cameron delivered his only to be expected Tony Blair impression, and I didn't expect much from Nick Clegg, and at least he didn't disappoint on that score. Watching the three of them trundle through the motions made me yearn desperately for the zombie apocalypse. But then again I've been waiting on that to happen for years.

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